The Suesens Family

On this page you see the genesis of the Suesens-Family and the ground-pedegree.

All persons with the last name Süsens (in Eats-Frisia also Süßen) or Suesens are descendents of Frerik Eggeshusen.
Lower German made out of Eggeshusen -> Egsüsens -> the name Süsens.

Oldest ancestor known by name

The oldest known ancestor of the Süsens-Family is
Frerick Eggeshusen (* about 1490) from Hollwege/Westerstede

The last name Eggeshusen is already named in the Oldenburger Salbuch from 1428 in Hollwege/Westerstede.

Most probably in the beginning of 1400 one man from the little village Eggershausen by Friesoythe came to Hollwege and was called "de ut Eggeshusen". This could have been the greatgrandfather (* ca 1380) from Frerick.

A special is the family "Moorburg genannt Süsens" (means Moorburg named Suesens). 1770 Johann Friedrich Süsens married Talke Moorburg from Moorburg and took over the farm. His son Johann Diedrich got last name "Moorburg genannt Süsens" in the churchbooks. This goes over generations up to today. After starting the civil registry offices in Germany about 1876 this name was official.

In the following database you will find all Suesens-descendents

⇒  The ancestors of the Suesens-Family, shown with the PAF-Program

In this pdf-file are the the eight generations of the Suesens-Family starting with Friedrich Süsens * 1580 in Hollwege.
The PDF-files of the branches A to N are available when there is a relationship.

⇒  Suesens-pdf-file starting with Friedrich Suesens * 1580

⇒  The first four generations from Frerick Eggeshusen * 1490 to Friedrich Suesens * 1580

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